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How to Sell Using Storytelling

Writer's picture: Taylor BenchTaylor Bench

Speaker: Michael Howell

The Power of Storytelling Storytelling is an ancient art that has been used to convey information, pass down traditions, and engage and entertain people throughout human history. Michael Howell opens his presentation by emphasizing the crucial role storytelling plays in web design, highlighting that it's not just about pretty visuals and layout – it's about making an emotional connection with your audience.

The Structure of Effective Storytelling

  • Hero: Speak directly to the audience.

  • Gut Punch: Address their pain or struggles.

  • Guide: Present yourself as the one who can help.

  • Plan of Action: Offer a clear next step.

  • Set Expectations: Prepare your audience for what's next.

Applying Storytelling in Web Design

1. Addressing the Hero

The hero, in storytelling, is your audience – your potential customer. Start your web design by addressing them personally. Ask questions that resonate with their struggles or aspirations.

  • Example: "Are you confident that you will live long enough to see your grandchildren grow up?"

2. The Gut Punch

Connect with your audience on an emotional level. Address the challenges or problems they face. Identify their internal and philosophical problems, not just the external ones.

  • Example: "People don't go to sleep thinking, 'I need to create an app.' They go to bed thinking that they need to sleep better."

3. Present Yourself as the Guide

You need to position yourself as the guide who can help your audience overcome their challenges. Share your experience and demonstrate your authority in the field.

  • Share your background, experience, or relevant credentials.

  • Show how you've helped others in similar situations.

  • Mention any affiliations or features in known media outlets.

4. Offer a Clear Plan of Action

Don't leave your audience guessing about what to do next. Provide them with a clear and concise next step, which could be a call to action or an offer.

  • Example: "Schedule a free consultation to blueprint your business."

5. Set Expectations

Tell your audience what to expect when they take the next step. Setting clear expectations helps reduce uncertainty.

6. The Website's Role

Your website should effectively communicate these storytelling elements. Websites should be designed to provide a seamless journey through this narrative.

  • Make sure your website speaks directly to your audience.

  • Highlight their pain points or aspirations.

  • Present yourself as the solution and guide.

  • Offer a clear call to action on every landing page.


Storytelling as a Sales Strategy Storytelling is a powerful tool to engage and convert customers on your website. By following the steps outlined in this presentation, you can create a compelling narrative that draws your audience in and encourages them to take action. Effective web design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about crafting a story that resonates with your audience.



Q1: How can we make our landing pages more effective?

Landing pages should speak directly to your audience's pain points, present your solution as a guide, and offer a clear call to action. Testimonials and authoritative elements can enhance trust.

Q2: Can you clarify how to convey the emotional aspect of the problem we solve on our website?

To connect emotionally, you need to use language that resonates with your audience. Speak to their internal and philosophical problems, not just the external issues. Use relatable questions and anecdotes to evoke emotions.

Q3: How can I clarify my services for potential customers on my website?

Clearly communicate how your services will improve their lives. People make decisions based on their emotional connection to the problem. Present your services in a way that demonstrates how they alleviate your customers' pain points and enhance their lives.

Q4: How do we get people to click and take action on our landing pages?

Address the hero directly, identify their struggles, position yourself as the guide who can help, and offer a plan of action. Ensure your call to action is clear and sets expectations for what happens next.

Q5: How to balance personal story and not overwhelm the website visitor?

Your personal story should be concise but impactful. Focus on how it led you to dedicate your life to solving your customers' problems. The story should enhance your credibility, not distract from your message.

Remember, using storytelling effectively in web design is all about building an emotional connection, guiding your customers to a solution, and making it easy for them to take the next step.

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